Description |
2X RT master mix is designed for convenient and efficient cDNA synthesis. The 2X pre-mixed reagent containing M-MLV RTase, Random 6mers, oligo dT, dNTP mixture and reaction buffer. The reverse transcription reaction just add RNA and water. The protocol is easy and the reaction can be completed in short time.
Storage condition |
long time at -20°C
2X RT Master Mix |
Containing M-MLV reverse transcriptase, reaction buffer, dNTP, oligo dT primers, random hexamers and stabilizer.
Application |
- cDNA synthesis
- PCR screening
- Real-time PCR
Cat No |
Pack size |
Conc. |
TAMB18Z-500 | 500 uL | 2X |
TAMB18Z-2500 | 2500 uL | 2X |
Activity Assay |
200 units of enzyme are used to produce cDNA from 1µg of a 1.2kb control RNA. The minimum specification is 120ng of first strand cDNA made from 1µg of RNA. The cDNA product must be >90% full length.
Contaminant Activity |
To test for endonuclease activity, 1µg of Type I supercoiled plasmid DNA is incubated with 500 units of M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase in 1X Reaction Buffer for one hour at 37°C. Following incubation, the supercoiled DNA is visualized on an ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel to verify the absence of visible nicking or cutting (analysis on 0.4µg of DNA).
Physical Purity |
The purity is >90% as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gels with Coomassie® blue staining.

Lane 1-3 is soybean gene βactine, Lane 4-6 is Ecoli gene
1: M-MLV RTase + oligo dT
2: 2X master mix
3: M-MLV RTase + specific gene primer
M:100 bp DNA ladder
4: M-MLV RTase + random 6mer
5: 2X master mix
6: M-MLV RTase + specific gene primer