Hi Fidelity polymerase

Description Hi Fidelity polymerase is a mixture of thermostable enzymes. It is specifically developed to synthesize length of PCR product up to 25 kb and with low error rate. Hi Fi polymerase synthesizes higher yields of product from genomic DNA, cDNA, and bacterial cultures. It has 2.5 hours half life at 96oC and easily amplify…

TnATaq DNA polymerase

Description TnATaq  DNA  polymerase is a thermostable enzyme isolated from E. coli which encodes Taq DNA polymerase gene. This enzyme contains 5’-3’ poly merase and 5’-3’ exonuclease activity. Storage buffer 50mM Tris-HCl pH7.9, 50mM KCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 1mM DTT, 0.5mM PMSF , 50% glycerol. 10X reaction buffer Containing 15mM MgCl2 Unit description One unit is…

Ancillaries for In Situ RT-PCR

Product Cat No Pack size Tests DAB Brown Chromogen Kit TASP01-DB 6 mL 50T AEC Solution (for ISP) TASP01-AE 6 mL 50T DNase I solution TASP01-DN 6 mL 50T Inactive solution TASP01-IS 6 mL -- Hematoxylin (for ISP) TASP01-HP 6 mL 50T Pretreatment Enzyme TASP01-PE 6 mL 50T Instrument Cat No ISP thermo-cycler and  hybridizer…