
BioSpot ISH Kit For DIG probeBioSpot ISH Kit For Biotin probeBioSpot ISH Kit with FAM For DIG ProbeBioTnA In Situ PCR kit with DAB Brown for DIG labeled probeBioTnA In Situ RT-PCR Kit with DAB Brown for DIG labeled probeTUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit(FAM)BioSpot ISH Kit For DIG probe BioSpot ISH Kit…


Mouse Probe HRP Labeling Kit Rabbit Probe HRP Labeling KitMouse/Rabbit Probe HRP Labeling Kit TnAlin Polymer Detection System Double stain KitSubstrate ChromogenMouse Probe HRP Labeling Kit  Mouse Probe HRP Labeling Kit     Expired date: 18-24 months     Storage condition :Store at 2-8 °C Description The Mouse Probe HRP Labeling Kit is a non-biotin,…

Histochemistry staining Kit

Masson Trichrome detasheets Periodic Acid-Schiff(PAS) detasheets Cat No      TASS01-125 TASS01-250 Major target Collagen fiber (blue), muscle (red) volumn 125ml 250ml Cat No      TASS02-125H TASS02-250H TASS02-500H TASS02-250G TASS02-500G Major target Carbohydrates, such as glycogen, glycoprotein, mucus, and basement membrane volumn 125ml 250ml 500ml 250ml 500ml Alcian blue (pH2.5、pH1.0) detasheets Nissl stain detasheets…

TUNEL In Situ Cell Death Detection Kits

Description The BioTnA TdT In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit - DAB is a TUNEL assay designed for fixed cells, embedded tissue, and frozen tissue using light microscopy. It contains a highly purified form of the TdT enzyme for the enzymatic incorporation of digoxin labeled nucleotides. Digoxin labeling is achieved using Anti-Dig conjugated horseradish peroxidase and…