2X qPCR Master mix

Description 2x qPCR Master mix is designed for quantitative real-time analysis of DNA samples. Strong signals and high sensitivity due to fluorescent dye. High specificity - no primer dimers, no NTC signal. Optimized 2x qPCR Master mixes for different real-time PCR instruments. Master mix formulations are optimized for different machines. 2x qPCR Master mix is…

5X GC rich buffer

Description Improve the amplification of GC-rich targets from genomic DNA or cDNA template.  The GC rich buffer can reducing  the denature temperature of template. Storage condition long time at -20°C Application GC-rich targets Repetitive sequences Templates with varying  GC content Improves fidelity of PCR amplification Multiplex PCR Denaturation The first denaturation step must be more than…

2X Pfu mix

Description Pfu DNA polymerase is a  thermostable enzyme  isolated from Pyrococcus furiousus. The enzyme  replicates DNA at 75°C, catalyzing the polymerization of nucleotides into duplex DNA in the 5'-3' direction. Pfu DNA polymerase possesses 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity. Base misincorporation is rapidly excised by the proofreading activity of the polymerase. Pfu DNA polymerase is recommended…

2X Hot start mix

Description Hot start Taq DNA Polymerase is designed for Real-Time PCR and Hot-start PCR. It is modified with a special inhibition of PCR at room temperature. This will prevent primer dimers and other artifacts. 2X Hot Start mix is optimized mixture. It contains Hot Start Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP and enhancer as 2-fold concentration.…